Studpop Magnetic Stud Finder Review

Studpop Magnetic Stud Finder Review
Chris   March 05, 2014  
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Studpop Magnetic Stud Finder

Studpop is a new stud finder design that uses a magnet to locate the studs in your walls. Using magnets to find studs is nothing new, not only have I been using this method for years, but it is also my method of choice. Typical magnetic stud finders are not perfect though, but Studpop seems to have found the solution.

To find wood studs using a magnet, what you are really doing is finding the metal screws or nails that are used to fasten the drywall to the walls or ceilings. While this method works well in most cases, sometimes it can be difficult to feel the magnetic resistance of a small screw when quickly moving a magnet over a large surface. The people behind the Studpop not only found the solution to this problem, they named their product after it.

Pop goes the problem—The Studpop is a better magnetic stud finder because it uses a magnet that is attached to a "popper" to accentuate a positive hit. When you pass the Studpop over a screw head, the popper pops into place to exaggerate the fact that metal has been found. Not only can you see it pop into place, you can also hear it. This feature allowed me to scan a wall more quickly and not have to worry about trying to feel the resistance of a magnetic field.

The ultimate test was putting the Studpop to use in my own house. Built in the early 50's, the walls of my house are all thick plaster. While it has always been challenging trying to locate studs in the past, it took only seconds to find them with the Studpop.

I never liked the idea of carrying a large electronic stud finder in my toolbags all day, which is why I started using magnets in the first place. The Studpop is the best magnetic stud finder I have come across and it is now my stud finder of choice. I can stop buying magnets from China and now use my money to support a product that is made here in the USA. It is priced affordably at under $10 and they are readily available at Amazon. BUY - Amazon

For more information visit Studpop.


Studpop Magnetic Stud Finder - Bottom
Studpop Magnetic Stud Finder - Made in the USA
editor reviewstud finderStudpopmagnetmade in USA