Johnson Brings Us The First Bamboo Levels

Johnson Brings Us The First Bamboo Levels

Chris   January 26, 2011  
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Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on Earth and also one of the strongest; so why isn't more stuff made out of it? Well, the hollow down the middle of each piece of bamboo might have something to do with it. But now thanks to new technology and strong glues, more and more possibilities for bamboo are becoming available. To make bamboo more useful, they cut it into smaller pieces, then glue all of these pieces together to form larger lumber. It is from here that they can make things like flooring, or in the case of Johnson, levels.

The year 2011 is the first to see Bamboo levels, and Johnson is the first to bring them to us. The Johnson Bricklayer Bamboo Level is not only sustainable, but it is also very strong, and stable. It features a nailed-on stainless steal binding to protect the frame, and screwed on stainless steal end caps. Also available is the EcoTech Bamboo level that features angle metal bindings, and rubber end caps. The bamboo probably comes from China, but these levels are manufactured in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. Both models can be had in 2 foot and 4 foot lengths, and should hit store shelves soon.

Johnson Level

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